Jul 202013
What is bigger - Digital Data or Big Data?

Have you ever wondered which data, Digital or Big data is bigger? You might have guessed it right! As the name suggests, Big data is bigger than Digital data. Let us see how? What are some of Big Data Types? Big data includes structured, semi-structured, unstructured and multi structured data from various sources/channels. Structured data […]

May 222012
Is your Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) really sensitive?

Sometime back, I visited Tata’s Service Station to get my car serviced. Feedback form was mandatory before service station would release the car. The form suggested to give rating from 1 to 10 on various parameters of the service. I gave score from 6 to 10 on various service parameters such as timeliness, facilities of […]

Dec 272011
15 Cost Heads in Software Development Company

If you have thought of starting your own software development firm or director of PMO calculating costs for your programs, you must consider all kind of costs that may occur for performing benefit analysis of your program. Human resource cost for project staff and supporting staff (Finance, HR, Process, Quality Control/Assurance, Admin, Travel, Legal etc.) […]

Dec 062011
Why blog?

Everyone knows blogging income sucks yet there are 156 million public blogs (Reference Blog on Wiki). Have you ever wondered what has made blogging so popular. Advantages of blogging: Barometer of knowledge – What you write demonstrates your knowledge on the subject. The more you know, the better you can write. When I am short of topics […]