Shilpa Gupta

I am Manager (Analytics) at Carat with more than 4 years of experience in Digital and Traditional Marketing Analytics. I am specialized in Web Analytics and Statistical Analysis, I write about insights on Analytics and how various business firms reap profit. Read my posts below or contact me through Contact us page.

Aug 062011
Optimal Ad Frequency

Have you ever calculated the right or Optimal Frequency for your marketing campaign? You can save some marketing dollars by using Optimal Frequency (number of times customer see an ad before making a purchase). Methodology of Digital Campaign using user level data Before we delve into detail, let me mention that outcome can be a Click/Visit/Purchase. […]

Jul 292011
Leadership Skills Part 4

Here are the last 6 laws of leadership from 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: 16. The Law of the Big Mo Momentum Is a Leader’s Best Friend. When you have no momentum, even the simplest tasks seem impossible. On the other hand, when you have momentum, the future looks bright and obstacles appear small. Momentum helps followers perform […]

Jul 082011
Cross Channel Correlation Analysis

1. Refresher We learnt Correlation in Statistics 101. A quick refresher on Correlation is below: What does Correlation mean? Positive correlation means that there is a strong linear relationship between two variables indicating they move in the same direction. Negative correlation means that there is a strong linear relationship between two variables, but they move […]

Jul 052011
Leadership Skills Part 3

Learn leadership from people in any profession: Businessmen, politicians, Generals, ballplayers, and entrepreneurs – you name it. No matter what the profession is, the principles of leadership remain the same. Another continuation of leadership series from John Maxwell: 11. The Law of the Inner Circle A Leader’s Potential is determined by those closest to him. […]