Shilpa Gupta

I am Manager (Analytics) at Carat with more than 4 years of experience in Digital and Traditional Marketing Analytics. I am specialized in Web Analytics and Statistical Analysis, I write about insights on Analytics and how various business firms reap profit. Read my posts below or contact me through Contact us page.

Jun 142011
Leadership Skills Part 2

In continuation to Leadership Skills Part 1, following are next 5 laws from 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. 6. The Law of Solid Ground When a leader’s character is strong, people trust the leader. People trust in leader’s ability to release his/her potential. How do leaders earn respect? By making sound decisions, admitting their mistakes, and putting what’s […]

Jun 102011
Let us be Productive

Time management is imperative in hyper competitive world today compared to old days. Following tricks have helped me and I encourage you to read and utilize in your life. Perform the most important tasks to shorten work time (Pareto Principle) Which 20% of sources are resulting in 80% of my desired outcomes and happiness? What 20% […]

Jun 032011

Following 11 characteristics make a Great Data Analyst. Segment Web Data to produce insights. The more you segment the data, the more insights you can produce. Refer to my previous article on how to slice and dice web data. Trending is the key: Trending data in various ways helps to produce insights. Trend current performance with […]

May 132011
Leadership Skills Part 1

People often follow bosses because they have incentive of bonuses and promotions. It does not mean every boss in an organization is a leader. On the other hand, if people follow a leader in a community organization (for instance Church), leader is really an effective leader because there is no such incentive as bonus or […]