Shilpa Gupta

I am Manager (Analytics) at Carat with more than 4 years of experience in Digital and Traditional Marketing Analytics. I am specialized in Web Analytics and Statistical Analysis, I write about insights on Analytics and how various business firms reap profit. Read my posts below or contact me through Contact us page.

Apr 082011
Mutual Funds and how to ride Sensex

1. Why Mutual Funds? 2. Types of Mutual Funds 3. How do we choose the right Mutual Fund with SIP feature to meet your goals? 4. Examples of good Mutual Funds 5. Which Option to choose – Growth, Divident or Divident Reinvestment?     1. Why Mutual Funds? If you have enough saving in your FD, […]

Apr 072011

It is important to manage our money properly and properly allocate for our many goals in life. Some of many Indian sites we can use for gathering knowledge are as follows: Financial portal for following latest finance news, various mutual funds and stocks. An additional famous financial portal for stocks, options, funds, ETFs, […]

Apr 062011

Everyone wants to be a winner but only a handful win. Why? There are some habits which distinguish a winner from a loser: Losers decide to do something but don’t do so or decide not to do, however, do so under external pressure. Winners do the opposite. They decide to do something and do, or decide not to […]